
Shadey Hills Golden Sunshine

Born 2023 in Assateague, Virginia.
Breeder: Chincoteague Volunteer Fire Company
Owner: Debra Shade
Registry Number: ICPAR 00169
Registry: International Chincoteague Pony Association & Registry

Palomino female with star. Brown eyes. Auction price: $4,600. First seen April 16, 2023. Sire is Tornado's Legacy or WH Windy's Beach Boy. Auction number: 20.
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Little Miss Sunshine B Tornado's Prince of Tides B Tornado F
Sand Cherry F
Baybe F Tuffer Than Leather
April Moon

M Misty descendant; B buyback; F feral; full sibling; H half Chincoteague




HorseBornColor SireDam
Another Day in Paradise 2018black pintoAce's Black Tie AffairLittle Miss Sunshine
Shadey Hills Sunshine 2022palomino pintoDon Leonard Stud IILittle Miss Sunshine
Sun Puddle 2021palomino pintoDon Leonard Stud IILittle Miss Sunshine
Little Miss Patsy 2020palominoDon Leonard Stud IILittle Miss Sunshine
Delaware's Little Puddle Jumper 2019bayMaverickLittle Miss Sunshine