
Baybe F

Born 2006 in Chincoteague, Virginia.
Died 2024.
Breeder: Leonard Chincoteague Pony Farm
Owner: Chincoteague Volunteer Fire Company

Black tobiano female with snip, stripe, star, four stockings, belton spots on legs. Brown eyes. Born April 2006. Donated to the CVFD in 2011 by the Leonard Family. Died April 6, 2024.
Tuffer Than Leather Reggae Cowboy Sea Breeze F
Wind Song F
Crimson and Clover ---
Seaside F
April Moon --- ---
--- ---

M Misty descendant; B buyback; F feral; full sibling; H half Chincoteague


Little Miss Sunshine B 2015palomino pintoTornado's Prince of Tides
Randy B 2014buckskin pintoTornado's Prince of Tides
Baybe 20132013chestnut pintoTornado's Prince of Tides
Firebolt2012chestnutGrandeurs Thunder
Baybe 20112011bay pintoCezanne
CLG Bay Princess B 2016buckskin pintoTornado's Prince of Tides
Tornado's Dark Prince2017black pintoTornado's Prince of Tides
Rainbow Boy Ray2018palomino pintoTornado's Prince of Tides
Chincoteague's Wild Ocean Journey2019buckskin pintoTornado's Prince of Tides
Arina2020palominoTornado's Prince of Tides
Baybe 20092009Misty's Dynasty
Ferdinand2021buckskin pintoTornado's Prince of Tides
Baybe 20232023bay pintoKen


HorseBornColor SireDam
Lilly's Laffy Taffy 2003chestnutStriking CadetApril Moon
Oreo 2007black pintoTuffer Than Leather---
Skydancer 2000brown pintoTuffer Than Leather---
L3 2004 2004Tuffer Than Leather---
L2 2004 2004Tuffer Than Leather---
L1 2004 2004Tuffer Than Leather---
April Moon 2005 2005bay pintoTuffer Than LeatherApril Moon
DLS Tough Lil Kaya Face 2004Tuffer Than LeatherChantilly Lace
Petey 2006black pintoTuffer Than LeatherChantilly Lace
Lucky 2005chestnutTuffer Than LeatherFoxy
Fireball 2006chestnutTuffer Than LeatherFoxy
Foxy 2004 2004bay pintoTuffer Than LeatherFoxy
Fuzzy Peaches 2005 2005bay pintoTuffer Than LeatherFuzzy Peaches
Peaches and Cream 2007bay pintoTuffer Than LeatherFuzzy Peaches
Peaches 'N Cream 2006bay pintoTuffer Than LeatherFuzzy Peaches
Good Old Days Bailey's Star 2010 2010bay pintoTuffer Than LeatherGood Old Days Bailey's Star
Teague 2011bay pintoTuffer Than LeatherGood Old Days Bailey's Star
Latte 2007 2007chestnut pintoTuffer Than LeatherLatte
Lizzy 2007 2007bay pintoTuffer Than LeatherLizzy
Blair 2007chestnutTuffer Than LeatherMercedes
Lizzy 2003black pintoTuffer Than LeatherMercedes
Mercedez 2005 2005bay pintoTuffer Than LeatherMercedes
Cookies and Cream 2010bay pintoTuffer Than LeatherMillennium Midnight
Miss Watson 2007 2007chestnutTuffer Than LeatherMiss Watson
Pitt Pony 2006bay pintoTuffer Than LeatherMiss Watson
Arch Deluxe with Fries 2004dark chestnutTuffer Than LeatherMiss Watson
Raj 2005dark chestnutTuffer Than LeatherMiss Watson
Misty's Smoke N Mist M 2009black pintoTuffer Than LeatherMisty's Desert Sun
Misty's Midnight Tempest M 2010black pintoTuffer Than LeatherMisty's Hurricane Izzy
Misty's Frosty Mist M 2011palominoTuffer Than LeatherMisty's Icicle
Misty's Twist O' Mist M 2010sooty palominoTuffer Than LeatherMisty's May Day Twister
Misty's Red Dawn M 2011chestnutTuffer Than LeatherMisty's Morning Glory
Misty's Firestorm M 2010chestnutTuffer Than LeatherMisty's Partly Cloudy
LB Chincoteague Bay 2006brownTuffer Than LeatherMohawk
Cocoa 2006bayTuffer Than LeatherMooney
Mooney 2007 2007bay pintoTuffer Than LeatherMooney
Mahogany 2011dark chestnutTuffer Than LeatherSlack-Tide Sammie
Pandora 2009bay pintoTuffer Than LeatherSlack-Tide Sammie
Calypso Blue 2009bay pintoTuffer Than LeatherTidewater Pat's Flo
Flo's Boy 2011bay pintoTuffer Than LeatherTidewater Pat's Flo
Tidewater's Breeze 2011bay pintoTuffer Than LeatherTidewater Treasure
Coco Chanel 2009chestnutTuffer Than LeatherTidewater Treasure
Stan's Stormy 2007chestnutTuffer Than LeatherVixen
Vixen 2006 2006chestnutTuffer Than LeatherVixen
Woofie 2007 2007bay pintoTuffer Than LeatherWoofie
Windy 2006chestnutTuffer Than LeatherWoofie
MDF Piece Of Paradise 2005dark chestnut pintoTuffer Than LeatherWoofie
Tidewater Gin & Taffy 2004chestnutTuffer Than LeatherWoofie
Wild Saltwater Taffeta 2008chestnutTuffer Than LeatherWoofie
Peregrin Took 2009dark bay/brown pintoTuffer Than LeatherZebie Beebe Bella